May 31·edited May 31Liked by Alexander Hellene

Melvins are definitely a band I've been curious about, but I've yet to take the plunge on their intimidating discography.

Any top album recs?

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Houdini is the easy answer, but it is one of their most accessible. It also has two of their most popular songs on it (“Night Goat” and “Honey Bucket”). Hostile Ambient Takeover is another good one. If you like more heavy, sludgy stuff, the first of their trilogy from 1999, The Maggot, is solid as well.

They did a five-song EP about ten years ago called The Bulls and the Bees that is really cool and used to be a free download. At the very least, it’s lead-off track “The War on Wisdom” is worth checking out. The EP is with the prior two-drummer lineup.

And even this all is is a pretty good, if short, primer about what the Melvins are about. It’s not their best, but I still think it’s good.

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Thanks for the recommendations! I have a couple long trips in June, so I'll be sure to add these albums to some playlists!

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Your poor wife. She’s gonna hate them.

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