Love this.

I'd be happy to read your thoughts on the entire Rush discography!

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"What if" questions are always fun. I always wonder what would have happened if Green Day didn't sell out with American Idiot and actually made the Foxboro Hottubs album their real follow-up to Warning like it was originally supposed to be. (Now that's a suggestion for an album to review. "Stop, Drop, and Roll!" is a legitimately great rock n roll album)

This album used to be inescapable in Canada back in the 90s and 00s. Every CD store that had a classic rock or Rush section (or both) ALWAYS had this album out front. For whatever reason, Canada really thought this one represented the band the best. I don't know why. It's a good rock record and a good debut but it's hard to believe some people think it's their best. Maybe it's just the striking logo cover, I don't know.

Anyway, great look back!

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